31 December, 2007

To be or not to be ...

The old person strictly forbids me to set my sewing machine up on the dining room table for any reason. Most of my craft and art work he regards as "women's hobby" stuff and not one scrap of it he takes seriously. But if I do not go and admire his mowing, particularly in an area where I have repeatedly asked him not to work, I am useless, a cow and lazy among other insults not printable on the internet.

So there is a major difference between us just here, as you can imagine.

This morning the old person decided to use the Gift Card to purchase some trousers to wear to the races tomorrow. Someone has gained 20kg in 2007 and none of his old clothes fit him. But to go from size 95 to 107 is just too much. The new pants are about 6 inches too long.

Oh, so I can set up my sewing machine to take up the hems of his pants.
"That is what you got it for isn't it?"

If I hit him with the machine, do you think I could plead mitigating circumstances?

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