06 May, 2008


I have been thinking seriously about making one of my blogs commercial, probably the Craft one, as craft on the Internet seems very popular. Or I could do the horse one. But that means a daily commitment to blogging and interacting with other bloggers, leaving comments and researching. It isn't that I am not capable of doing these things, it is just the commitment of time that would be required to do it.

I never blog from work, even though I will read blogs at work when there is no work. I don't think my boss is paying me for that, even if reading is done on his time. The onus is on him to give me enough work. I can't just sit there twiddling my thumbs. Also, I am fairly certain that from time to time the IT department reviews what gets done on the computers, just incase that, despite their really onerous nanny filter, someone might look at porn. I know a couple of blokes that were in trouble for forwarding on inappropriate e-mails. Funny how it is always the guys, and never the girls. I have received plenty of questionable e-mails from female staff. I just delete what I don't really like. I don't have time to be that petty.

Once I have finished work, the commitment wouldn't be a problem, it is just that I would really like to set it up before then. Still, making decisions like that usually end up with "I am sorry I didn't do it sooner". lol.

I also have some ideas for a couple of other blogs, that I am thinking about. However, I often wonder if I don't just think these things up as amusing thoughts just for the sake of being amusing when I should be thinking about other things. I guess my middle name should be procrastinator and just get on and do it.

Pencil and paper on the weekend.

adieu ...

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