20 January, 2008

"Obfuscate" ....

The old person was flipping around the channels this morning and came across a show on the ABC where they were talking about "Howard" and his ability to "obfuscate" issues. When a member of an audience uses this word and everyone else is sitting there nodding as though they know what it means you know that the program is completely rigged and a probably paid audience. Or by special invitation only.

So you are not going to get any impartial views. Anyone who comes out from the opposite point of view is treated as though they are non educated drug smoking scum. This is typical of the ABC and its extremely left wing bias to issues. And it is de rigure (or something like that) to be an atheist. If you are not, you are considered a Bible bashing, right wing, red neck Fundie.

Well, ABC, while you are the main channel I watch for my news and programming, I am a proud member of the "Forces of Darkness".



The sister did get here. She got the train the long way round to Liverpool and had to catch a bus to Campbelltown, and another bus here. What normally takes about an hour and a half took about two and a half hours. Had I realised, I probably would have put it off till next week. The daughter had to do the trip in reverse to get to her girl friend's engagement party.

The buses are quite modern and travel really well. They are not the most comfortable means of travel, but passable for short trips, which is what we usually take them for. Long distance they can be quite cramped.

So Sunnyboy played quiety with the grandsons who I was babysitting. Usually he and Grandson1 get into a bit of chest thumping, but they were very good. So the sister and I were able to yak in peace and quiet. It rained and rained and rained. And then it rained some more.
So the old person drove them to Campbelltown station for the return journey. Six people in the car is not on for lack of seatbelts.

Sooner or later, Saturday night or Sunday morning one is obliged to listen to the woes of the old person's crappy day at the races. He is so rude to his mate Frank these days, it surprises me he still talks to him. I think he only does because his wife takes tips from the old person, as the old person rarely wins, but his horses usually place. I have heard more hard luck stories that you have had hot dinners (or cold ones, and breakfast and lunch and morning tea). Whatever I am doing he will follow me around talk, talk, talk. I am sure this constitutes psychological abuse, but I doubt if any police would see it that way and take him off my hands. And if I get really exasperated and yell out "Shut the f**k up, I am sick of listening to you." he draws in breath, and away he goes again. If he isn't badgering me with his hard luck stories, it is the daughter. And now he has taken to singing little songs while he does things. Little songs about how marvellous he is and how lazy and rotten we are because he is doing work and we are not. I have explained previously his attitude to our art and craft doings. I can fully sympathise with women who kill their spouses. I do not think they should be put into prison, but given a medal for not doing it sooner.

He is adamant that humans are descended from apes, and when I look and listen to him, I can fully believe it.

I did some more work on the Wedding Album today. I am pleased with how it is coming along, and I am itching to finish it and photograph it. It is a pleasant distraction to the above.

There was a thunderstom this afternoon, so herladyship actually stood under her shed after she had finished eating her dinner in there. She dried out. But once the worst of the noise was gone she was outta there. But it is a step in the right direction. They say a Southerly will come up later tonight. Be nice after all the humidity we have had because of the rain.

I am back to part time work. Yippee ...

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