10 March, 2008

Photographs ...

You may have noticed that I am not big on photos, and I am not big on elaborating who the various people are in my blog. The reason for this being is that the daughter had a terrible relationship with the father of the grandsons. He was a really vile person. I wont go into the details, but suffice to say it wouldn't be prudent to put photos of the boys onto the internet. In some ways, I am sad about this, as I know several of my relatives read my blog and would dearly love to see pictures of the boys. But don't worry, I am doing some nice scrapbook pages to send out to them of the boys, myself, the daughter and maybe the old person.

I have put a link to the Sister's blog, so you can keep abreast of her comings and goings. I hope the Younger Sister will eventually be persuaded to blog as well. Right now she is still flat out with studies and doesn't have time to do one justice. When she does, I will persuade her also to put up some pictures of the fine craft work/art that she does.

I am thinking of joining blog ID which is a way to authenticate my "signature" for all comments on other blogs, but I will also get it put on here. This way you don't have to join anything or have an actual blog yourself to leave comments. (At least I think that is how it works; when I join I will post the details on here).

Just for good measure, here is a picture of some weeds the Daughter found somewhere around our place. I think they are Black Eyed Susans:

Till again I blog ....

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