20 March, 2008

Annoying people ...

Yes it is Thursday night and I am blogging. This is because the teacher let us off early. It is Easter this weekend, and I guess he wanted to get home. I finished all my exercises in class and left.

Work was okay, till this afternoon. The boss came by, which he hasn't done for a while. He stood there making idle talk, then made some sort of anti-religious comments. Strange little man. Still I said nothing, he is the boss and what he says is not going to be changed by me or anyone else. Then he comes up with the fact he is really grateful he is not a woman. He has made sexist remarks before, and mostly we let them go because he is usually just stirring like the incident with the kittens. But today he was in real earnest. He said a few disparaging things about men and women's roles that would have been acceptable in, say, the 1970's, but not in the 21st Century. I asked him if we were going to face gender issues, because that seemed to be the direction his talk was going. He said he had no gender issue.

Naturally, I was a bit pyst with this, but later I considered. Well, Buster, I would rather be a woman than come from a family, one of whose members has publicly embarrassed the entire family (not the boss, but a close relative of his). Embarrassed in money with lots of noughts after it and in a public entity as well. I can imagine why his first marriage did not last, and I wonder if the new one knows his feelings about women.

He didn't say this in front of the Supervisor and it was the other woman's day off. The loudly spoken one who is a member of the union and would have yelled at him about it all. Oh, yes, his timing was very good. He will find out though.

Other than that I have had a reasonably decent day and have five days before I have to return.

hahaha ...

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