13 August, 2010

Updates ...

Our internet died on Wednesday morning, just after we paid all the bills, but before we could get into any of our favs like facebook and yahoo groups. What a horror that was for three days. lol. Finally got it up and running earlier tonight. Daughter has had to spend quite a few $$$ getting new wiring and stuff only to discover it was in actual fact the modem that has died.

She rang the ISP several times before they came to that conclusion. They have her hooked up to the old modem for just now.

My three books from Amazon have all arrived, within two weeks of ordering them, too. One is a Preterist book, one is a book on hat making from the 1920's and the other is the classic, Metric Pattern Cutting for Children's clothing (I already have Women's clothing) - I can now design to my hearts content and not have to worry about copyright and all that, as they will be all my own designs. Woohoo.

I bought three more punches yesterday, a six petal flower than I can make into 3D roses, a palm tree for christmas cards, and a little twiglet that I have coveted forever.

The stamp company in the USA that I ordered some rubber from has also come through and my order is on the wing.

I am happy.

However, I went and saw the Gastrologist on Wednesday, and while he is not too interested in doing a colonoscopy he did say the numbness that I have isn't related to the abdominal problems i have been experiencing. He thinks I should get a spinal CT scan, and that is scarey. My abdominal problems may be related to ulcers, and I have to get pathology tests done for that.

I had another fall this morning, partly my own fault as I was patting her Ladyship and she suddenly moved. She had her usual smell to see if I was okay, but as I called the Daughter she knew I was and she moved carefully away. She is very sweet that way. My knee was sore a bit, but as I have rested and moved it during the day, it seems okay now.

The Daughter was kind enough to buy me the final DVD set for ST: Voyager. So that is keeping me happy for just now; and I can craft as I watch. lol. I'll get back to the sewing over the weekend.

I will go to my doctor again on Wednesday, as he is only a part timer now. He can organise the scans and stuff and I might finally pinpoint what is actually wrong with me and I can start on the road to recovery. I am happy that it isn't cancer and I am happy that I seem to be in good hands.

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