This general blog is for my musings. If you read it I am just keeping up, mostly for family. But there will be vents every now and then ...
31 December, 2007
To be or not to be ...
So there is a major difference between us just here, as you can imagine.
This morning the old person decided to use the Gift Card to purchase some trousers to wear to the races tomorrow. Someone has gained 20kg in 2007 and none of his old clothes fit him. But to go from size 95 to 107 is just too much. The new pants are about 6 inches too long.
Oh, so I can set up my sewing machine to take up the hems of his pants.
"That is what you got it for isn't it?"
If I hit him with the machine, do you think I could plead mitigating circumstances?
28 December, 2007
Laptop dramas ...
Well, when I bought it, I also bought a Telstra wireless modem to plug into it, and agreed to pay an exorbitant amount of money per month for 20 hours of wireless usage. This was fine, some months I used all 20 hours, and some I did not.
Well late last year, I received an e-mail from bigpond telling me I should download some stuff from them to make the whole thing work faster. So I did.
I could no longer access the internet. I tried a few things, but nothing worked. I contacted them by e-mail, but they said I should take it to a Telstra store. However, with going back to work full time and other things, I just was never able to do it until today.
I go to MacArthur Square, to the Telstra store there. Needless to say, they haven't got a clue. To his credit, the young man gave me a disc to upgrade the internet connection. Telling me to make sure I uninstalled anything I had previously.
I went home, uninstalled everything that was internet related, then put in the disc, whir, whir, rumble rumble and it was away. Everything went fine, until it tried to get a connection to big pond. The wireless modem was receiving signal, the graph on the screen confirmed there was signal coming in, but still not able to connect.
I ring the technical support. Try this, I do it, no avail, try that, I do it, no avail. this, that, this, that. Finally, he comes to the conculsion that I must have one of the few modems that has actually been killed by this download. WTF?
So, they are going to issue me with a new one. This happened while the modem was under warranty, so technically I am entitled to a new one. First I have to pay $290, and when I receive the new one, I have to ring them then they will rebate the money. I have to return the old "dead" modem. They can have it, no problems. The main worry I have is that I put an extra $300 into my account to cover this and Telstra being an ex-government department may
interpret an immediate refund as about six weeks.
Oh, and since it was possible that a virus or something like that could have caused this, I have signed on for $99 per year worth of bigpond anti -virus, -phishing, -other complicated nasty things that people can do to other people's computers software. Don't get me wrong, I am not good at any security stuff, and this will be a blessing, as long as it doesn't tell me my blog is actually a virus, my USB is actually a virus, etc. Even Mark Frauenfelder who wrote "Rule the Web" recommends this sort of security.
My poor sick laptop. I so love that little machine - well as much as you can become emotionally attached to a machine. Mind you, I don't love it as much as my sewing machines.
Now I have to go do my photos for my bilum blog or I will be behind the 8 ball when Sharonb starts her challenge next week.
Oh, the drama of it all :)
27 December, 2007
Long and drawn out ...
Off we go. I got some lovely tops, ones that I am very happy with. Then I took Granson2 and we sat and waited for the old person outside KMart, where he knows we always sit and wait for him. Half an hour goes by and we still haven't found him. The daughter had taken Grandson1 and visited some shops. So we went to the upstairs entrance. There is the old person, waiting for us.
"Where have you been?" I asked him.
"Waiting outside the Newsagency".
"Why, we have never arranged to meet there before?"
"Well that's where I was and you should have known and met me there".
Okay, so does anyone have any mind reading courses going?
Am I missing something here? He does things like this all the time. He totally refuses to use a mobile phone, even though all his friends, who are like 15 to 20 years older than him use them. And are very glad to do so. But he insists I am the stupid one and he is the brains and we should always listen to what he tells us. Why? So we can die faster?
Anyhow, I also got a new handbag. I have used the pink one I got last Christmas from my father all year. I want to pull out the lining of that, put in new, quality lining, clean it up somewhat, and keep it for other things. The new one is similar quality leather, but is a greyish blue rather like a lighter gunmetal. I really like it.
Her ladyship seems to have been a bit down today, probably because we were gone, and have not paid her all that much attention. Poor thing.
26 December, 2007
The day after the day before ...

This is Luna Park from under Sydney Harbour bridge, taken back in January 2007 when the three of us and the sister's Sunnyboy went walking around from Circular Quay to Winyard Station via the Rocks. There are some stunningly lovely places around there and some quite old places as well. Those were the only two times this year that the three of us were together. The sister is talking about moving back to Cairns next year, so we may not be together again, ever.
Then to top it off we hear rumours that our father is going to get the internet on. He hasn't been online for a good many years, and he will notice the difference. It is funny to think how it has all changed since I first started on the net some 10+ years ago. But the face of Google and Altavista are pretty much as they were then. Of course, they have changed internally and in reach. There was very little by way of blogging back then. I don't think I read any blogs. Still some of my favourites from then are still current, new ones have appeared, I have learnt to interact on forums, I have begun blogging myself and I am learning Website Design at TAFE in the evenings. So I hope by the end of my course, after semester one this year, this blog should be much better looking and more useful, and hopefully have a little more traffic.
I have quite a few plans for it, for 2008, including video, artwork and maybe a little advertising. I might also do book reviews, just for the heck of it. I would like to get my other blogs more seamlessly intergrated with this one, especially my horse training and craft blogs. Still, it will depend on my time constraints and what I actually end up doing this year. I have committed to finishing my course, naturally enough, and I have committed to a craft Challenge once a month, as well as my job, to which I return part time after the Christmas break. Depending, I guess, on my workload with all that what will become of my blog. The nights I go to classes I wont blog, because I refuse to blog at work.
I haven't made a final decision on the Diploma as I want to move at the end of next year, although I guess I should start it here even if I finish in QLD, because their fee is about double that of NSW.
My other non computing resolution for this year is to loose weight and actually get of the old derrier and exercise. lol.
Chances are ....
25 December, 2007
Joyeaux Noel
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, and so on. It is the Celebration of Christmas. The celebration of the birth of Christ. The Catholic Church would have us believe that Jesus is therefore 2007 years old. But the general belief is that he was born in about 6BC. The choice of December 25th is harking back to the Saturnalia celebrations of the (Northern) Winter Solstice. It was the traditional end of the agricultural year.
Later, the Celebration of Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was added, and thus came the tradition of giving and receiving gifts - although many traditions have gift giving involved. The Germanic tradition of decorated trees - likely a Norse religious tradition - was introduced to the English speaking world by Prince Albert, Prince consort (husband) to Queen Victoria in the 19th Century.
We celebrate Christmas in our family by giving and receiving gifts - loads for the children, and a few each for the adults. We will eat ham and pork today, but most years we have cold chicken, and salad. We will at some stage have plumb pudding and custard. Most of what we eat is chosen by the old person.
The boys will play with their gifts for the remainder of the week and then spend the remainder of their holidays complaining about how bored they are. This is some childhood tradition, I suppose.
I received an Ood, some hatching dragon ornaments and a pair of pedal pushers. The old person received a bag for going to the races and a gift card for K-Mart. The daughter got a gift card for Sanity, a light blanket, a footspa from her boys - where the boys received pencil cases and all of the items that you can imagine go in a pencil case and then some, a tamagotchi - electronic pets, books, t-shirts, sneakers and other junk.
I am happy with my things, the old person is happy, the daughter is happy and the boys are happy.
Happy Christmas.
23 December, 2007
It's done ...
Much of my anger has been at AQIS the quarantine service, although many people on the forums were angry with TB owners in general, and I have had a tough time defending not just myself, but others as well. This has been frustrating to say the least.
And even though it is late December, we are still restricted, and I cannot move my mare and I cannot have a companion come in for her. She has been very dependent on me and my family to provide her with company - not something we can easily do although we try very hard for her.
On Friday, I rang the vet's office to find out what was going on with the vaccines, since it was five weeks since I had heard from them and given them my information. I was then informed that in the next few days, we would be visited by the vet for the vaccine. No day or time. However, I was assured the vet would contact me prior to coming. That way I could get the mare and have her ready.
Yesterday (Saturday) around 1.00pm, the vet rang to say he would arrive around 3.00pm. I had to find another halter for her, since she had just broken hers the day before. Luckily we had an old one lying around. A quick clean of the dust and we put it on her. We found her lead. Usually she is so good, we don't need a lead and it rarely gets used.
Another thing about the mare is that she loves our vet, and she would go home with him if he would take her. He can walk up to her, put a needle in her neck and she will nicker friendly at him as though he had actually give her a big hug.
So just as it is about to rain, the vet comes in a new vehicle. He has to don a "spacesuit", a disposable overall with a hood. He has on blue disposable gloves. The mare is convinced this is an alien and he is coming into her paddock! I really thought she was going to pull her lead off me and bolt. But he spoke to her, and right away she relaxed ("Oh, its you"). She offers him her neck, as usual, he puts in the needle with the microchip, she flinched a little. Then she didn't seem to notice the needle with the vaccine. It was as easy as that. She neighed after him as he walked back to his car.
The vet removed all his disposables, hands them to me, so I can dispose of them. They only have "our" germs on them. I had to sign some paperwork, put a label in her passport. Off he went.
He is a very nice man, he really knows his stuff with horses, very professional.
So the mare is fine this morning; there can be slight side effects. There was a slight warm lump where the microchip is, but I will keep an eye on that. At least she wasn't off her food.
Oh, and the sister came to visit yesterday. It was lovely to see her. I am glad racing is back on, because the old person doesn't like the sister, and I can only invite her over when he is there. The daughter and grandsons have gone to Woollongong for a couple of days.
21 December, 2007
Late - as usual ...
Finally I have three weeks off work, and return back to my part time work in mid January. I have offered to come in on the second enrolment day, which is a Monday. They will trade me another day, which suits me. At least I don't have to fuss and bother about my own enrolment. I just have to tick the boxes of accepting on some webpage and a bill will be forthcoming which I can also pay online.
It is shaping up to be a long, but good year. Long, because again I will be working and doing night classes. They muttered something about Tuesdays and Thursdays so I will have to be careful with my rest to make sure I get enough sleep. Good, because we will be getting her ladyship vaccinated against EI any day now, and we will not have to worry about it any more.
By the time the breeding season comes around, she should be okay to travel wherever she has to go and not have to worry. A dear online friend has assured me she will be fine being both vaccinated and microchipped.
She broke her halter today, so she will have the temporary inconvenience of a rope halter when she gets her shot, and hopefully Sunday the old person will travel to Narellan and get her a new one. She has had that halter about four years so it doesn't owe us a thing - i.e. we will not fix it.
I once dreamed of leather halters for my horses, but my budget is more realistic. Nylon flat strap it is, then.
Tomorrow I will start on all those crafty things I have been pondering the last few weeks, and hopefully will have an update soon.
20 December, 2007
OOOoooh ... I want one ...
I have a laptop computer, a mobile phone, okay I don't have an MP3 player nor a portable DVD, I have to draw a line somewhere. I do have loads of Star Trek stuff, and the daughter is a crazy Dr Who fanantic. I have started collecting the Star Gate TV series, and have the movie that they made before the TV series. Somewhere is the Matrix movies - the daughter was a crazy Keanu Reeves fan since she was about 10. Actually, I think she is nuttier than me! And she is a generation Y, not X. The grandsons are about on a par with her as well.
The scarey thing is, my sister is also like this too. At least she and I have different Fantasy taste, although we are both Pratchett fans, where the daughter is not.
Oh, and I am the only one with a job.
19 December, 2007
Let me see ...
We had a very special visitor last night, Bruce "our" Koala. The daughter noticed him running along and he dashed up this tree. He is about a metre from me here, and was totally unafraid of me. I almost could have reached out and touched him.
He is about 75cm tall, has a scent gland on his chest denoting him as a male. He was just so cute.
The daughter looked up on the 'net and discovered he is a Northern Koala. He is a grey colour with a white stomach and silver hair on his face. In the photograph below, you can see his scent gland better, and the fact he does not have a pouch.
It is a pity his eyes reflected the flash of the camera, but it was pitch black outside. We didn't want other lights scaring him: we thought the flash might have sent him off completely. It didn't.
I stirred them all up at work saying I had pictures of my new boyfriend. They all had a look and a good giggle. The librarian who is a bear collector, I told her I had a picture of an even better teddy than she had. Since I know that she has a very valuable collection of teddies, she was very sceptical. But she went and saw grizzlies in Canada and Alaska last year, so finally I could pay her back.
He took off about 20 minutes later back to his tree, just at the end of our house, and later I heard him calling out to the girls. What a racket. It was a very special moment to be up close and personal with a truly wild creature. He is such a darling.
18 December, 2007
Funeral ...
The Boss put on a bus, and we travelled to Woranora (?sp) cemetery for the service. It was held at one of the Chapels there. I stood with a large group outside. I signed the guest book. There were so many people from work there. It was a very dignified service put on by White Lady funerals. A lovely recorded song played while the coffin was bought in from the hearse and placed on a stand in the Chapel. A pair of his golf sticks were leant against it with his straw hat.
Members of the family spoke about him, and the lady from White Lady funerals spoke very eloquently. A family man whose life was his family especially his grandchildren. He was a keen punter and golfer. Infact, he died playing golf. But a lovely man, very much the definition of a gentleman.
Afterwards, the family and their friends went to Bankstown Trotting Club, but we all went back to work. There was wine and nibblies back at work. Later, this afternoon the Boss bought a couple of cakes for us to pig out on.
I was glad that I went.
15 December, 2007
Sleepless ...
My mind has been going over the fact that I have a Wedding Scrapbook to prepare these holidays. One of the ladies where I work got married last October and as she is such a very nice person and was very helpful and kind to the daughter, I offered to Scrapbook her Wedding as a Wedding Present. Yesterday she finally gave me the CD with the photos on it, and this morning the daughter and I looked at them. They are beautiful photos, it was a beautiful wedding. The couple were married in Vanuatu. Lovely Tropical Island setting. Very Romantic. I have been mulling over ways to prepare the Album for them, make it something they will treasure. I would like to make two smaller ones for their friends who went over to witness for them. So I will be quite busy. I will document the album on my other blog, So you can track it there from just after Christmas. I have too much other stuff this week to finish for Christmas to think much more about it.
I went Christmas shopping today. Ugh! My feet and ankles were killing me. I should have worn my laceup shoes and not slip ons. Still, I got the old person a useful bag, for him to take to the races, it will hold all his kit: his newspapers, his tranny, his pen, his glasses that he refuses to wear, even though he is almost blind as a bat without them, his munchies and any other goodies he wants to take. Since I really like it and I am pretty chuffed with finding it, I doubt he will appreciate it at all. It is the way he is.
I managed to get some nifty little dodahs for the ladies at work, and not very expensive. I just need to find something for the boss. I don't think he will particularly care what I get him, as long as it isn't kitch. I have to make a few more Christmas cards and that's it. I am more organised this year than I thought I would be.
I will get the daughter a store card, she can get what she wants with it. Probably layby some expensive DVD set she is always talking about. She said get junk for the boys, so I will buy them some useful junk. They are at an age where useful junk is good. I think I will get similar useful junk for the newphew as well. His birthday is on Tuesday, he will be 11. One more year and he will be in High School. They grow up so quickly. He is a very bright boy and I think maybe a bit too smart for his age.
I will report on the Christmas booty afterwards. lol.
14 December, 2007
Aftermaths ...
I have been invited to the funeral of the guy who died. My work is putting on a bus for us, so I said I would go. I will have to take a box of tissues. I have never been one for crying in a hankie (hankies are germy). I can probably knock together a decent enough outfit, hopefully remember to wear dark sox, not pink or turquoise ones and borrow a handbag off the daughter. My present handbag is a girly pink number from kiik. I love it, it was a Christmas pressie from my father last Christmas when I went to visit him. But probably not the best thing to take to a funeral.
I have not been to a funeral for quite a few years. It will be a bit strange. Also being with some of the people from work, who I do not particularly like as people. I don't know if I should take some flowers or not. I better ask someone I suppose. I feel very bad for his family being so close to Christmas and all.
Funerals have a tendency to make me think of my own mortality and I do not like doing that. I don't like to get maudlin; which I have a tendency to do.
Very quiet day and now the old person is watching a Western and trying to convince me to watch as well. Aaarrggh!
13 December, 2007
A long, long day ...
The office went off on its annual Christmas Party, and I elected to stay back and "man" the switchboard and keep things running. This was after we all had breakfast at 8:30 am, consisting of eggs, bacon and sausages on a bun. A very soft hamburger bun. And Champagne and Orange juice, just to be really decadent. I think most people had more of the champers than OJ. Still that is people for you.
Then at 11:oo am they all hied off to the Bowling Club for lunch.
I went the first year I was there. One of the guys got extremely drunk, was extremely rude and disgusting. Then I had to work with him on an almost daily basis for 18 months. So last year and this year, I opted to not go. It meant one of the other ladies, with whom they are all great pals, could go with them, as for the past several years she had never been. They will still be the same tomorrow, but I will not have seen them today.
It was a bit boring, but boring is better than obnoxious. A few teachers did not go, and some came back early and they expressed their appreciation of us keeping the place going. The other person was the Temp; when you temp, you are like nobody anyhow. Maybe I should go temp.
12 December, 2007
So very, very sad ....
This morning when I got in, the morning security guard came in and told us he was on life support in hospital and the prognosis was not good. In fact, his family would be asked to switch his life support off. Then this afternoon, his son-in-law phone to say he had passed away just after lunchtime. It is just so very sad. He was such a lovely man, tall, lanky, about 62 years old. He would sometimes bring his grandchildren in. They were his whole life, that little boy and girl, and he was theirs too. I feel so sad for them with their Pops dying.
Sometimes of a night, when I would sit outside and have a smoke, he would come and talk to me. Next year he was going to retire and take his grandkids to Disneyland, in the USA. He knew alot about many things, and was always bright and great to talk to. I am really going to miss him. It still hasn't sunk in he is gone.
All this is tempered by the fact he died doing the one thing he enjoyed most - playing a round of golf. He had travelled to England earlier this year to see the British Open. I always think that if you have to go, if you go doing something you love, it really tempers the loss. I know he would have felt that way about his golf. It's just the other things that make it sad.
Only the good die young.
10 December, 2007
Trolls who work ...
But, once my displays are full of brochures for courses, and the phone ceases to ring, there is not alot else for me to do. I do ask others for work, but not alot is forthcoming. They don't want me to do it, I can't just make it up out of thin air. It doesn't work like that.
So when you pay a compliment to someone who doesn't like you, you just do not expect them to come back with "Whatever". Totally ignore me, by all means, but rudeness? Someone I had thought had a bit more class than that.
Still on the bright side, the union is coming tomorrow and they are putting on lunch. I imagine they want to recruit more souls.
If we are getting the new manager I think, the souls will need to be union members if they want to get through. Still I imagine they will have all the "crawlers" they want. I seriously think I do not want to continue working if she is going to be manager.
And on another bright note, I formally met the Head Teacher of IT today. Very nice young man. I will be going to see him during enrolment week to find out about going on with my course. There was a subject I really did not fully understand last term, and want to do some more in it before moving too much further on with the subject and the programming languages. Goes with the territory.
I read some of the blogs of people who will be joining Sharonb's Take it Further challenge. Some of them are really, really good. I would go so far to call them gifted. Just such beautiful works. Eventually I will put links to some of their sites on Bilum. The good thing is they give me goals to work towards with my own stitching. I am excited.
So far she has listed 162, and although some will drop out and some will join, it will stay around that number, which will be exciting to work with. I don't think I will do another challenge this year, but I would like to think about a few charitable works as well. I have seen some really good causes out there, with International appeal.
My bed beckons.
09 December, 2007
Koala ...
There isn't much the police can do, they are not on public roads.
I finally decided perhaps I should report the koalas to some conservationist outfit. So I looked on the internet. Most of them you can't access without being a memeber. Too bad if koala's are dying, if you aren't a member you cannot get in. Finally I found some organisation and left them a message about what is going on. I do not hold much hope.
So I think koala conservation is another group of people with bigger egos than their actual care for the koalas. So typical with animal welfare. Well, that is generalising. There are some groups that really care and do a good job, they are just harder to find.
Our koala is okay. He has plenty of leaves still in his tree, and the tree next to his is the same species by the look of it, and since I know there are other koalas over on our side of the property, there have to be other trees as well. But we think these motorbikers are also cutting trees or covering someone who is. The noise would scare the snakes, so they aren't likely to scare back, or I would wish snakebite on them.
08 December, 2007
Being told how to think ...
I mostly search through yahoo!, occassionally through Alta Vista, both search engines seem quite adequate to the job, although everyone says you should "google", infact "googling" has become part of the English lexicon, even if not officially. Yahoo! number their searches, so you go back and look at something if you have to, a very useful feature. Alta Vista was the first I ever used as once I used Netscape Navigator and found AV through that. So I use AV for sentimental reasons.
But what I have found, is that if you want to read the more "sophisticated" or "intelligent" websites, you must be in the same frame of mind as the author, whether you agree with the person or not. I find this very off putting, and furthermore, I also object to their ad hominem, illogical attacks on people who think differently to them. On the internet, they behave like this, and they get away with it.
Maybe this is a topic for my Alien Thoughts page, but seriously, I just find it so childish and annoying. I find myself soon leaving and resorting to very cold, but more practical manuals on line. Just to find some basic information. I just shake my head.
Still it is the weekend now, and I am quite smooth, having watched some mindless DVD's this afternoon - some Dr Who vids that I had not seen previously, including one with dear Derek Jacobi and the movie Starship Troupers, based on Robert Heinlein's book of that title. Bit hammy and full of dreadful aliens, but the best sort to wile away the afternoon while crafting and chilling out.
Her ladyship the exracehorse is now to the most extent happily ensconsed during the day down the back near the stables. She is still spending nights up the front, so she isn't scared during the dark, but I am going to spend my holidays convincing her to live down with her stable once more. It is only a matter of time till we get a hail storm - we have had quite a few thunderstorms - and I don't want her out in hail.
I will phone the vet next week and find out what is going on with the vaccines. Sigh.
Till next time ...
07 December, 2007
It seems to me ....
These weeks leading up to Christmas have been a real drag. I have got very little done at home because on the weekend I just want to sleep and do nothing for a while. If I had my usual four days, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but when it is only two days it seems such a waste. One of the joys of getting older, I imagine.
I have been thinking lately I would like to go and live somewhere far away, in a caravan, just me and my computer and sewing machines. On a nice almost tropical beach, just potter away my hours with some sewing, some art and some plants. How relaxing it would all be. Even if I only did it for six months. After that I would probably be bored of it and want something else to do.
My biggest worry would be where to keep her ladyship for that time. I don't really like the idea of agisting her away from us for months. I guess if she was with other horses she would be fine. This EI has been like a surreal nightmare.
Last night she was walking around grazing and came to the back door looking for attention. So I was about to make dinner, I had grated off a carrot and so I gave her the ends of the carrot, which she really appreciated, then the skin and finally the left over bits from grating it up. I could not believe how sooky she was. She wont come into the house, any more than she likes going into stables, but she puts her head in and sniffs at whatever is on the bench by the back door. She is not a bother, and does not make a nuisance of herself, she just stands there, poor thing.
Then she wanders off to eat grass, one eye on the back door incase we come out with a carrot. I would so love to get her a companion, but we haven't been informed about the vaccines yet, nor have we been advised on movement of horses in the area. It seems to have gone on forever, and not just a little over three months. And typically of a government department, the need to communicate with people about what is going on, is non existent.
Our fencing is in dire need of fixing up. She doesn't go anywhere, because she likes being a "domestic animal", you get regular feeding being one. You also get tidbits.
So I bide my time patiently, waiting, thinking, sleeping (I wish) and one day it will be time to make those decisions.
05 December, 2007
Training ...
I am fascinated by watching people and what they do, how the behave and what they are talking about with each other. It was better when I took the train to and from Central in the City, it was a longer trip. Mostly, these days I do a crossword book and ignore the trip. I have seen it so many times over the past twelve years. I have seen buildings built, houses and streets built, I have seen projects abandoned. I have seen wooded lands laid bare and ugly house built on them, roads and shops put in. I watched them build the F4 into the tunnel, and then they put a brick wall up so you cannot see in or out.
The Indian Pacific travels from Sydney to Adelaide, and on to Port Augusta. It used to stop at Port Pirie, but no longer does. I have never taken it past Port Augusta. Port Augusta is about an hour's drive from Whyalla, where I used to live. It is about a 30 hour trip between Port Augusta and Sydney, through some of the loveliest country you are ever likely to see, and the most desolate mooonscapes you are ever likely to see. You will see every animal imaginable, both native and domestic and some in between. You have to travel it yourself to really appreciate the grandeur of it. It really is Australia up close and in the raw.
I would love to do the trip for Port Augusta to Darwin on the Ghan. These trips are very expensive these days, and I wonder if they still have third class where you have to sit up the whole way.
I have travelled from as far south as Adelaide to as far north as Cairns by train. The Indian Pacific to Sydney, the XPT to Brisbane and the Queenslander to Cairns. Over about a week all up on trains. Just the best way to travel.
So, no matter how blase I am about daily train travel, I always enjoy it.
04 December, 2007
Finding inspiration ...
I can't watch TV anymore, because the old person is having a senior's moment and watching old war and western movies. He goes to the video shop every sunday and rents five movies and comes home and watches one every night. He pretends to himself that he chose at least one for me which I wouldn't watch, even if you paid me to watch it. But still he insists I sit there with him and watch the stupid thing. Talk about lack of imagination. Often I get out of it saying I have to feed the horse and then get an early night for work. Luckily I can then get up very early in the morning. Provided he doesn't have a different seniors moment whereby he slept the day away and then can't sleep at night.
There were feral cats at work last week with kittens. The mother would feed them right in front of the door. It is a large glass pane door. So she was easy enough to catch on Monday and two of her kittens. The ladies had the RSPCA take them away. The mother would be euthanased immediately, being unhandlable, but the kittens were under six weeks and not quite so unsociable. So they might live, if they can be found homes.
Then they found the ginger one. Well that went home with one of the ladies at lunch time since it had conviently pooped on her. She is going to call it Paddy after Patrick Swayze. Don't ask.
The guys have been playing it up, offering to drown them, bash them over the head with a brick and drag them along behind cars etc. The reason they say these things is not because they would really do it, but the squeals and attention it ellicits from the ladies. Makes them feel like real men. The cleaning lady is always offering to put an axe through them, but she later told me she had a cat once and after two years it got squished and she doesn't want to risk getting that emotional about an animal again. She is Macedonian, I think I understand her point. We don't have rats where she cleans - nope, we have possums - bigger rats.
So that is my day ...
02 December, 2007
Things that go bump in the night ..
Often when I go out to feed her ladyship her hay of a night I can hear the koalas in the trees calling. It is a snorting snuffling growl. When I first heard it when we first moved here, I thought it had to be a wombat or lizard because it was on the ground. Then early one evening I saw Bruce, our particular koala, standing in his tree making the noise with his mouth open. I was shocked that a koala could make such a dreadful noise. But there you go.
The problem with koala, is koala droppings. Millions of them. Well it seems like millions. We just sweep them into the long grass and bushes and they don't seem to kill anything. You will be sitting down watching tv or a video, minding your own business and suddenly hear drop, drop, drop, what seems to be thousands of stones being thrown on the roof. Next day you realise it was the koala doing his business from the heights of the tree. Ekch.
Other than that he is a good neighbour. He sleeps during the day, he does not scare the horse and the females don't seem to visit him in his tree.
Yesterday was quiet, I did some craft, some computing on other things and slept. It was lovely and quiet. Still all good things come to an end and the old person came home, not having picked a winner. Neither had his friends turned up - although they just telephoned him now. They thought it was going to rain all day yesterday and had not wanted to be driving in rain. They are even older than the old person, so I can't blame them. The live on the complete opposite side of the city from here and it takes over an hour to drive to their place.
I have my laptop working again, but I do not have my wireless connection working yet. I will have to take it into a Telstra office and get them to fix it. It is quite frustrating. I don't like having to use the daughter's machine all the time. It is a fantastic machine, has everything and does everything, but it is hers and should be for her use. It also has both printers connected to it, but I should be able to use the laptop and I am quite cross paying for connection I cannot use.
Anyhow, that is your lot for today.
30 November, 2007
The daily yak ...
So the upshot of the fiasco yesterday is that I will have the rest of my pay on Wednesday next week. They are claiming I should have had another form put in - as though they did not have two weeks to phone me and say "Were you aware you needed another form put in?" That is what the fax machine is for, is it not. Sigh.
Well it is finally going to happen. There are races scheduled to be held at Randwick tomorrow and the old person is going. Finally a day of peace and quiet, without having my afternoon interupted by having to look at what is on the idiot box, what some stupid bird is doing or what dreadful thing the daughter is alleged to have said or done. The joy of anticipation!
I shall luxuriate in making some Christmas cards, maybe one or two presents. It is afterall, that time of the year, and my present moneyless state precludes a grand shopping spree that the daughter would like. Sunday the old person wants to do his Christmas shopping and since he has not go the slightest clue, after all these years, of what to get anybody, it is a whiney, please come with me and help me choose. But that is Sunday, and I have Saturday to enjoy first.
And I must dig out all my stuff that I might need for the Take it Further Challenge. I think some of my fabric stash will need ironing. I will also have to fix it so that I can upload pictures. Better ones than the two I already have on this page and my horse page. There you go.
29 November, 2007
Good Day/Bad Day
I had an e-mail from SharonB of In a Minute Ago welcoming me to the Take it Further challenge which I am going to post about on Bilum. At the beginning of each month, starting in January, Sharon will blog about stitches and themes and we are to make a textile art piece of our own choosing within that parameter. We are to give a weekly progress report (with pictures - gulp) on our blog (or in flikr if we prefer).
This is a fairly big commitment for me, but I am hoping it will be a catalyst for me to get organised. I still will have my studies at TAFE and work. I will also blog as many days as I can too, because I believe it is important to do so. So I will have my time cut out for me.
What I have to do, is work out how to cope when problems come up. Coping with anything is not my best skill, so I have to prepare for problems well in advance and work out probable scenarios to not let them get me so depressed or totally drop out. this level of organisation will help me later on in my life as well.
On the bad side (grrr...)
I have been working full time for the past two weeks. The lady who I jobshare with fell and broke her knee bone. The Boss asked me if I would mind as what I do is fairly important at this time of year. It is a higher position that I was in previously. I could hardly refuse, and with Christmas coming up, the extra money will come in handy.
So when I checked my account this morning, I have been paid for six days, not the ten I actually worked. The Boss assured me he had submitted the papers on the same day I had given them to him. I have no reason to doubt him, he is a good person and has always treated me fairly.
So I tried to get hold of HR. No one there was answering the phone. So I tried the union. No one was responding there either. Finally HR told me I wouldn't be getting paid for it until next payday. No amount of discussion was going to change her lazy mind. So as the union still didn't respond, I ended up contacting the ACTU. The managed to get hold of my union and they managed to get hold of a delegate at my work. (Funny that). Anyhow, the delegate said he would get it all fixed tomorrow. I sure hope so, but I never hold my breath ...
28 November, 2007
Refreshing afternoon
Because of some controversial issues that may be coming up in the next few months I am not going to mention her name, but I will say this, I think with people like her in good positions in the Arabian industry that it has a very good healthy future.
It is great to find another person as passionate about a subject as one is oneself. I would say this lady had as much passion as me, and perhaps more. She is a bit older than me, and has been breeding longer than I have, so obviously knows more as well. It was a joy just to spend some good time talking with this lady. That everyone should be so lucky.
27 November, 2007
Daily Blog
Well, my course is finished for the year, so I will attempt to do it every day if I can think of something to say. Okay, if I can think of something to say that isn't complete sarcasm and nasty of something.
I will also get in and do more about photos on the site as well. I have joined a challenge and will be detailing it on Bilum, my craft blog. That will be fun.
We have a video camera on order, so we might even look to for some entertainment for you as well.
25 November, 2007
The Martians have landed ...
He is our brand new Prime Minister. So as such he is worthy of respect and do not throw tomatos at him. Hitler would cry to see such a perfect specimen of Aryan proportion ... okay let's not go down that path.
The Labour Government has been declared the winner of the Election, Mr Bush has congratulated him and comiserated with his "little mate" John Howard. And so the world moves on. For us in Australia, he informs us, it is a "new page". [You can leave it blank (yeah, right), you can write neatly with something to show at the end, or you can scribble all over it.]
As I said in my previous post, all this would be fine, if Labour was not in bed with the Greens. They are supposed to be going to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Like this is a good idea. Oh, and definitely no nuclear power plants. U-uh, no way, never. It is okay to sell uranium to "trusted" overseas countries, but use it beneficially for Australia? Ha.
Oh, and he is going to work in the "National Interests of Australia", i.e. defence here at home, a look at what resources we are sending where and what is going on at the other end. i.e. China and its so called lack of "human rights". That is another path if you go down it, you will be sorry you did. But hey what would I know.
So what is he going to do? Hey you tell me, and we will both know. I have my doubts after Peter Garrett said things will change once the Labour Government get into power. Okay they are in power - now what? It isn't as if we can know and it isn't as if all of us will eventually benefit from knowing once we do.
Social democracy. That sounds awfully like an oxymoron to me, but I am reliably informed it is not. I believe it is just Communism/Socialism with a fancy Politically Correct new name.
99% of what is "wrong" with this country is that there are not enough trees. Likewise for the rest of the world. All that pollution is screwing up our thinking, funny chemicals acting in our brains. Why else would a nation cut off its nose to spite its face? Will the Greens make it a point, like Bob Hawke did, to plant more trees? Let's not get silly here. No the Greens agenda is not really "Green" as in plants, oh no, the Green's agenda is to point out problems and endeavour to get rid of them. Not try to solve the problem or come at it from a new angle, no just get rid of it. Like five million other people on the earth. And cut down the number of animals. Animals fart don't you know, and all that methane being let into the atmosphere just cannot be good for the atmosphere.
I always remember being told as a child when you point your finger at someone, look down and see where the other three fingers are pointing. Those three fingers tell you the truth.
Okay, I seem to be developing a bit of a vendetta here about the Greens. I have been asking myself why this is so. Well, years ago, before being Green was "fashionable" there were plenty of people warning about this stuff, but they were mocked and geered for their warnings. Now it is fashionable, well, sure there is no mocking and geering, there is no real "tree hugging" and there is no passion, compassion or realism.
Sustainability is a key factor in my thinking, not eliminating a problem, so much as changing the definition of a problem. Diversity is another key, because diversification when worked with sustainability allows more cross solutions to problems to eventuate.
Pointing out a problem with no viability for solution is a waste of time. If you don't like something, you have to ask yourself what you are prepared to do to change what you don't like into something you do like. Something as simple as: "Someone left an item on the ground outside". Okay, so pick it up. "It isn't my item so why should I pick it up?", because it is bothering you more than the person who dropped it. Otherwise ignore it. This is not a constructive situation. It is a nuisance situation developed by a person used to being a complete pratt. So if you are not prepared to go in, roll your sleeves up and take care of business, bugger off and let other people get on with it or don't say anything in the first place. Or you might go and find the person who dropped the item in the first place, nicely ask them if there was a particular reason the item was where it was (you never know) and if they could help you by picking it up. The old person does not get gipped too much because he is an old person, but when played out by adult Politicians there is a serious problem.
A complete Political Party of complete Pratts is a big worry to me.
oh, and Kev, don't forget you did promise to do some extra stuff to Tigers Stadium. Wouldn't want you to forget something of National Importance like that, Mate.
24 November, 2007
Vote Early, Vote Often Mark 2
Then the old person says it is time to go and vote. The first major decision of the day, is where to go to do this. Usually it is the first major decision because it is the first major "discussion of the day". Here? No, over there, but I want to go here, no you don't there is no one there, go over there. No, yes, no, yes ... well you get my drift. Hey we have got it down to such a fine art we don't have to hit each other over the head.
So we go to a primary school that is not where anyone knows us. This is best I think because it is the only time we get an audience that is the equivalent of "captive".
Did I tell you I just love all the political spruikers outside the polling stations? I do, indeed. First find a Labour victim. Hello mr Labour spruiker, er, hello. Tell me, Mr Labour spruiker, are you aware that Labour is in bed with the Greens? Yes, they are. And so you consider this a good thing do you? Yes, it is a very good thing. Then tell me, Mr Labour spruiker, the Greens are committed to reducing the population of the world to 1 billion people. How are they going to do this? and I walked away. Then I start asking the old person. He has been going on for months and months how only insane people do not vote for Labour. The old person has not got a clue. He even admitted he hasn't got his glasses with him so he cannot see the form properly to read the candidates and their party. Good one, old person.
So we stand in line baiting each other and giggling and being silly as we always do. It is an election ritual. Then he says I am an embarrassment to be with. Okay, and you're not?
So we get inside, and get our names marked off. As she hands me my papers she says "Have you voted elsewhere?" Now part of the reason we were waiting in line was because it was before 8.00 am when they open. So how the heck have we been else where to vote? So I ask her, "You mean to tell me I can go somewhere else after this and vote again?" \o/ \o/
I voted. Yeah, I marked off the right boxes, very carefully so they don't think it is a donkey vote. Hang on you lot, donkeys can't vote.
Dump the how to vote junk into the recycle bin.
Outside, I say to the Labour spruiker, "Enjoy you time in the Gas Chamber". Too young and too stupid to give it a second thought.
Came home to be accosted by her ladyship the ex-racehorse demanding to be let out and fed a carrot ... just another election Saturday.
23 November, 2007
Vote Early, Vote Often
So tomorrow we go to the polls and elect ourselves a Government, a Federal Government. There is not alot of talk about layers of Government, but we don't have an especially large population and therefore do not really need three tiers of Government. Alas our Colonial past has left us with just that. I barely know our present local Member, his name is Pat Farmer. I think he was some sort of Marathon runner in a previous life, and I think his wife passed away. I know he is Liberal (i.e. an incumbent) and that he is a good guy.
The Labour Party has promised to add to Tigers/Wests football stadium. Like this is a great social benefit to me and mine. This will prevent little babies from being murdered by their parents. Ah, yes, a bigger and better football stadium. Where ya gonna park? I mean ffs.
Something that demeaning has got to reflect something about the Party. All they will really do is put the Unions into a better position in the workplace; they will demand better human rights in China before they can have any more of our resources, which China can probably source cheaper from probably Africa, ffs. They will recall the troups from Afghanistan and Iraq - like that is socially responsible as well. No, if they get in Australia will go to Hell in a handbasket.
Plus they are in the Greens' pockets.
Now my understanding of the Greens is that their ultimate goal is to reduce the population of the earth to one billion people. What I really want to know is how they propose to do that? What are you going to do with the 5+ other billions? They also have a goal of fewer domestic animals. There is some animal rights/liberationist thinking with that one (is that woolly thinking at all?). What will happen to all the other animals? Will they be encouraged to become extinct? Companion animals have been proven to be of health benefit to humans but you will not be able to keep companion animals. Keeping animals is a form of slavery, don't you know?
Who are these fools, where did they come from? Why don't they go back there? FFS.
Okay, the Liberals are a bit over liberal with their freeing up of the economy and shitting on workers, and they do say that if you don't like your present job, there are enough vacancies you can get a better job. Is that right? The daughter has loads of TAFE qualifications but she can't get a job. Maybe if she went to the city she might, but while she has been promised child care for after school, it has not been forthcoming. Why the hypocrisy?
Who do you vote for? For my money, I am looking at the Independents. None of the above have done particularly well by my books and their promises sound more like whistling in the wind.
10 November, 2007
Cicadas and other noisy things
Most everyday noises do not bother me, and the occassional loud bang is got over quickly. However, at the moment there are billions of cicadas in the trees around our house and they are making quite loud cicada noises. It is so loud that I cannot hear anything when I go outside, and, as I said, I feel like my brain is scrambled and I cannot think of anything. It is very frustrating.
But the cicadas themselves are very beautiful. I have seen a few this year and I can't decide what sort of insects they are, guess I will have to resort to google.
Although we have had a little rain, about 30 mls, we could still use some more. Fortunately there have not been too many thunderstorms and no hail (touch wood as I say this). The mare will go down to the back but will not go into the stables. The problem appears to be that the old person was mowing down there, and she could hear the lawnmower. She could not see the mower, however, so did not know what the strange engine noise was. So she is a little spooky and as I said, will not use the stables. Even the open one, which is strange as she loved it last summer. Maybe she still associates the area with her son and she misses him.
Elections are soon, I think two weeks, and the mud slinging is heating up. I have almost stopped watching the television news, I do not read the political articles in the paper and avoid spruikers wherever they are. There will be spruikers outside the primary school we vote at, so I will work out a little comeback for them. I know they are only volunteers and doing what they think is right, but you have to be pretty dedicated to volunteer to be a spruiker for a political party. I can't bring myself to be downright rude to them, however, a cutting remark entertains me.
If you are a spruiker be warned.
I have two assignments due for handing in within two weeks so I have to sacrifice blogging time for them. Once they are done I will be back to learning more about blogging. Maybe even feel confident enough to fiddle with the html.
28 October, 2007
I will also have to do nice things for the relatives. Some handmade cards, a few pressies. Of course the daughter wants something with Dr. Who. At least that makes choosing something easier. I refuse to give the grandsons any more toys or clothing. Wading through their room is hard enough as it is without adding to it. Books for them. Not rocket science that one.
The old person only wants clothing. Sack cloth should do there.
My sister and her son will need something nice. Maybe I could get away with Dr. Who for her as well and a book for her boy. If I get her something I feel obligated to get my other sister something, and that is a large pond to swim in as well.
There are a few other relatives, eg. my father and his wife and my aunt. I will be a very busy person. And I am going to photograph all projects and post them on here. After Christmas.
The garden is pottering along. Still. I saw an interesting concept on Gardening Australia yesterday that I liked (okay I watched it again today, I was cross stitching, okay?) to do with charcoal, fish emulsion and soil/sand. So I am thinking I might experiment myself with some corn. I used to have much success when I lived in Whyalla with just soil, kooch grass and horse manure, so if it grew in that (did I mention kooch grass?), it should grow even better with this stuff. Gotta find some charcoal.
I love compost. I love making it, I love turning it, and I love using it in my garden. However, as the old person has never made it etc., before, he doesn't believe in it. He will end up in it the rate he is going. Anyhow, one useful thing in compost, at some stage in the proceedings is to use waste paper. Best thing to do, is lay the paper down, water it, pile the organic matter to be composted onto it, add some manure (in our case horse but any kind is good) and mix it in. Then cover it over with some plastic (in our case, old horse feed bags) and leave it cook for, oh, about a month to six weeks. I turn it every two weeks.
Waste paper can be ripped up old phone books, newspaper, misprints from your fax/printer etc., but even though colour on newspaper is okay, I don't use glossy paper unless I know for sure they are made from recycled paper. So unfortuneately junk mail is, to the most extent, not used. However, on the topic of waste paper, it can also be used for papier mache so don't be in too much of a hurry to turf it all into the compost and you can use glossy mags/junk mail. This is a recycling area quite large if you want it to be. You need more time than money. Haha.
For glue, although there are a ton of flour recipes on the internet, I prefer PVA glue mixed half and half with warm water. PVA glue is more expensive, but if you are using your papier mache for art it is a much better choice. You can colour the PVA glue with acrylic paint, the stuff you can wash out with water.
When you soak the paper, don't throw the water on your vegetable garden, but on your flowers or lawn. The vegetable gardens can get water elsewhere, but your lawn doesn't get much water at all.
You can make a real pulp for this by using your stick blender (use a separate one to your kitchen stick blender). You can add almost anything to this, including glitter. Shape it around your base or armature.
Anyhow that is your bloomin' lot for today. chuckle.
18 October, 2007
I forgot ...
So to contribute, I will say this, if you need manure for your gardens, bring a trailer and come help yourself.
The Martians are Coming ...
So I am a member of my local union, the Public Service Association, as one of my bosses got me in a pickle a few years ago. So my e-mails have been bombarded by: make sure you and your family are registered to vote, now we can punish Howard, make sure you and your family are registered to vote and by the way are you registered to vote.
One the one hand the Liberals are offering us tax cuts and more money in the wallet is always good. On the other hand the Labour Party would give some power back to the Unions to give workers a bit better deal. But then, when I think about it, the Shooter's Party would give us our guns back and that would fix all of them.
Alternatively, the Marijuana party would allow us all to smoke away our problems (cool man) and that would be even better. I ride, I vote. Well that would fix the EI problem, plus put all those TB millionaires back where they belong, at the bottom of the manure pile. Bet none of them ever mucked out a stable. Even one with gold handled buckets. Does Miss Finland know she is worth a million bucks?
The Greens? Hmm, lets see, in one of their booklets I once read they say that they are committed to reducing the population of the world to 1 billion people - but I never worked out what they were going to do with the other 5 billion. And they are not particularly impressed with companion animals and would prefer we didn't keep them. So where does that leave all the cats and dogs and horses and other critters? Feral? That's a brilliant idea.
One Nation? lol. Democrats? ROFLMAO. Nationals? Well, they have been in their own way quiet about all the EI, and by not taking an interest I am not interested in them. I am joe average and if I haven't heard of what they are doing, how many other joe averages have not.
So that just leaves the Indies.
Have fun choosing and make sure you are properly informed before you vote, so you don't get a nasty shock in the morning.
15 October, 2007
Our native garden ...
Well two of the native bushes are grevilleas. One has pretty pinky red flowers and the other creamy white flowers. As soon as we pulled the buffel grass from the bushes two birds flew down and sang some songs, pecked at the flowers and took off. One bird flew down, sang a song and began gorging himself on the nectar. He just could not get enough, hopping rapidly from flower to flower. Another bird joined him without singing first, so I assume he was one of the first two. He began gorging himself on the flowers as well.
I call these birds honeyeaters. They are the size and colour of the local mynas. But their beaks are slightly different and their tails seem to fan a little, almost like a starling. They also have spotting under their tails. They also are not afraid of us doing the weeding while they are gorging themselves.
I would have spent another hour at it, but the old person became grumpy and I had already given up of my art time to do the gardening the moment he demanded me to.
Classes begin again tonight. I have this dread I will forget, but I have set the alarm on my mobile phone. It is an ongoing nightmare I have when I sleep that I will forget something really important. I have a bit of a memory problem, mostly I put it down to insomnia, but if it gets any worse I will have to discuss it with a doctor.
We have only seven weeks this term and I hope that I can get through it without too much difficulty. Then we have only one semester next year to finish the Certificate 4. I have to finish some work from Certificate 2 by the end of this term as well. I was hoping to do it during the holidays but with all the children here during the holiday, I got very little done. It has been very frustrating to some extent, but the boys were very well behaved and I can't complain.
My niece has done a pretty good job with them. They will make nice young men in the future.
Well I am still arting on, so I will write again soon...
08 October, 2007
A parcel in the mail ...
So in a registered mail parcel today was my digital thermometer. I am impressed. I thought they would send out an old style mercury one. This is a nice quality one. In a plastic container and in a box. The Japanese English is a little hard to decipher, but I think I managed it all.
I have to shove it in her rectum morning and night for ten days and record her temperature.
She will be so impressed. Last time I tried to look under her tail, her back leg came up threatening and she put those ears down flat against her neck. Still, we are working on brushing up our ground manners and a vet would have to do this. Lets face it, Her Ladyship would go home with the vet if he would take her. He can walk up to her from behind and jab a needle into her neck. If I tried that I would be in low geostationery orbit a few minutes later. I will do it while she is distracted by her dinner. If you see a funny object in lower space, ask NASA to pick me up, please.
Also in the package were instructions about what you can and cannot do within each of the zones. We are in the "Red Zone" which means horses have or have had the EI. Some have even died from it. I hope that should Her Ladyship get it she would survive it, she is in very good health just now. Well she should be, we were all set to send her off to stud when this thing broke out. Now she can't go anywhere. I have not noticed her cycling for a long time now, and so I doubt if Artificial Insemination would be of much use. I'd rather not use that anyhow, and we are not all that desperate for a foal.
I would have liked to have gotten her a companion, because she is alone here. We try to keep her company a little while each day, but lets face it, we are not of the same species and we are not as superior as she is. Even Eternal Strangers was only tolerated in the same paddock because he was another horse. But eeuuww he smelled, according to her.
So once this is over, we will get a nice quiet gelding and next year she can go and visit a nice Arabian stallion.
Talking about fussy, she has decided the old person puts chillies in her breakfast. She will eat it, but she treats it like "foreign food". At least the UFO has gone. Horses - go figure.
07 October, 2007
The garden ...
So I will keep plodding along with it, and keep researching to grow more stuff.
We were given some tyres today. Some old ones. I am going to experiment with growing some potatoes in them. You stack 3 or 4 on top of each other to form a tube, fill it with soil and organic matter (which we have in abundance), plant the eye potatoes and bob's yer uncle. We are watering with watering cans at the moment, as we can use our household water for that. We will mulch once the plants are a bit bigger.
Last year we had some trees cut down and parts of the trees were taken away by the loppers but branches etc were just chipped and left in a large pile. So that is perfect mulch. We used a little on a garden today, and parts of it are rotting nicely.
We don't seem to have any natural occuring worms, so I will buy some soon. We have a very good compost started off, we recycle in the kitchen, the weeds and other bits and pieces - organic.
Much of this has been difficult for the old person as he has never used any of these methods before and has little understanding of how they work. Even though he watches "Gardening Australia" on the ABC every Saturday and many Sundays.
I am going over to Alien Thoughts when I finish this to discuss the use of animals in organic systems.
My craft work is going very slowly - but hey - it's going. The project I am presently working on is quite large. I will post a photograph of it, but not until I have given it to my baby sister for her 50th birthday in a couple of weeks.
My other project is a sepia cross stitch picture of David Tennant as Dr. Who. That is for the daughter for Christmas.
06 October, 2007
Talk to the birds ...
Lately he has been hunting for worms quite closely to the house. He is not eating the worms, just gathering them in his beak and then flying off. We think he might be feeding a chick. Mind you I have no idea that it really is a "he" it could be a female.
I can get quite close to this magpie myself, and I talk to it. I talk to it to get it used to my presence and my voice so that he knows I am not a threat to him. He looks at me and while he will hop a few steps away, he doesn't fly off and seems to be looking at me. I am not trying to make a "pet" of him, just to let him know that if I am around, he doesn't have to fly away.
With spring in the air (although mostly it seems like high summer), there are many birds coming by. We leave water out for them and change it every day so that the mosquito larvae do not live in the water. Her ladyship, the ex-racehorse, has a bath for her water, so we have placed a large rock in it. The birds come and go from the bath, without fear of drowning. I do wish the cockatoos would not crap in it. That really is pushing it. The feathers are bad enough. We also change that water every day. So we only put in as much as her ladyship will drink and a little more, so that it is not wasted.
The garden is getting along. I have planted lettuce, tomato and capsicum. Oh, yes and a couple of burpless cucumber seedling. Tomorrow I will be planting some onions and spinach. I planted some herbs in another garden beside the garage. In front of the garage I have built a little garden and put some lavender and dianthus in it.
To build the garden, I had some old logs lying around, so I moved them with the aid of my faithful trolley into the place where I wanted the garden to be. Then I laid newspaper down over the grass and wetted it all down with the hose. On top of that I put leaf litter. We have evergreen trees around here, so they constantly shed leaves all year around. On top of the leaf litter I put about six inches (15 cm) horse manure. I have let it rot down through the winter. I mixed in some blood and bone and lime prior to planting the seedlings for the lavender and dianthus. I want to get some other flowering plants into it. It gets sunshine, but not all day.
Eventually the place will look nice. It is slow, because gardening is also not my forte. I just potter now and then, although I am trying to make a bit more effort. With the birds around it is nice to be outside early in the morning.
It's a new me ...
I have been sick, got better, got depressed, got over that and starting to do my art again.
I hope that I will be able to upload pictures of what I am doing on this blog among other things.
I had thought to start up a craft blog, but I am not that focussed as far as my blogging goes. I want to keep up Alien horses and Alien Thoughts so specialisation just will not be my forte.
I am going to change some of the way of doing those things as well. This will just be my thinking about things aloud blog.