Yesterday afternoon at work one of my coworkers took a call to say that the afternoon security guard had had a heart attack and would not be in.
This morning when I got in, the morning security guard came in and told us he was on life support in hospital and the prognosis was not good. In fact, his family would be asked to switch his life support off. Then this afternoon, his son-in-law phone to say he had passed away just after lunchtime. It is just so very sad. He was such a lovely man, tall, lanky, about 62 years old. He would sometimes bring his grandchildren in. They were his whole life, that little boy and girl, and he was theirs too. I feel so sad for them with their Pops dying.
Sometimes of a night, when I would sit outside and have a smoke, he would come and talk to me. Next year he was going to retire and take his grandkids to Disneyland, in the USA. He knew alot about many things, and was always bright and great to talk to. I am really going to miss him. It still hasn't sunk in he is gone.
All this is tempered by the fact he died doing the one thing he enjoyed most - playing a round of golf. He had travelled to England earlier this year to see the British Open. I always think that if you have to go, if you go doing something you love, it really tempers the loss. I know he would have felt that way about his golf. It's just the other things that make it sad.
Only the good die young.
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