15 December, 2007

Sleepless ...

I have been trying to sleep for the last hour and a half, to no avail. This happens from time to time, and is one of the reasons I cut down on my work, because I am invariably tired the next day. I cannot sleep past 6 am no matter how much I want to. I have to be up and make sure her ladyship is fed, and has a fly veil on if necessary. It's just me.

My mind has been going over the fact that I have a Wedding Scrapbook to prepare these holidays. One of the ladies where I work got married last October and as she is such a very nice person and was very helpful and kind to the daughter, I offered to Scrapbook her Wedding as a Wedding Present. Yesterday she finally gave me the CD with the photos on it, and this morning the daughter and I looked at them. They are beautiful photos, it was a beautiful wedding. The couple were married in Vanuatu. Lovely Tropical Island setting. Very Romantic. I have been mulling over ways to prepare the Album for them, make it something they will treasure. I would like to make two smaller ones for their friends who went over to witness for them. So I will be quite busy. I will document the album on my other blog, http://bilum.blogspot.com. So you can track it there from just after Christmas. I have too much other stuff this week to finish for Christmas to think much more about it.

I went Christmas shopping today. Ugh! My feet and ankles were killing me. I should have worn my laceup shoes and not slip ons. Still, I got the old person a useful bag, for him to take to the races, it will hold all his kit: his newspapers, his tranny, his pen, his glasses that he refuses to wear, even though he is almost blind as a bat without them, his munchies and any other goodies he wants to take. Since I really like it and I am pretty chuffed with finding it, I doubt he will appreciate it at all. It is the way he is.

I managed to get some nifty little dodahs for the ladies at work, and not very expensive. I just need to find something for the boss. I don't think he will particularly care what I get him, as long as it isn't kitch. I have to make a few more Christmas cards and that's it. I am more organised this year than I thought I would be.

I will get the daughter a store card, she can get what she wants with it. Probably layby some expensive DVD set she is always talking about. She said get junk for the boys, so I will buy them some useful junk. They are at an age where useful junk is good. I think I will get similar useful junk for the newphew as well. His birthday is on Tuesday, he will be 11. One more year and he will be in High School. They grow up so quickly. He is a very bright boy and I think maybe a bit too smart for his age.

I will report on the Christmas booty afterwards. lol.

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