This is Luna Park from under Sydney Harbour bridge, taken back in January 2007 when the three of us and the sister's Sunnyboy went walking around from Circular Quay to Winyard Station via the Rocks. There are some stunningly lovely places around there and some quite old places as well. Those were the only two times this year that the three of us were together. The sister is talking about moving back to Cairns next year, so we may not be together again, ever.
Then to top it off we hear rumours that our father is going to get the internet on. He hasn't been online for a good many years, and he will notice the difference. It is funny to think how it has all changed since I first started on the net some 10+ years ago. But the face of Google and Altavista are pretty much as they were then. Of course, they have changed internally and in reach. There was very little by way of blogging back then. I don't think I read any blogs. Still some of my favourites from then are still current, new ones have appeared, I have learnt to interact on forums, I have begun blogging myself and I am learning Website Design at TAFE in the evenings. So I hope by the end of my course, after semester one this year, this blog should be much better looking and more useful, and hopefully have a little more traffic.
I have quite a few plans for it, for 2008, including video, artwork and maybe a little advertising. I might also do book reviews, just for the heck of it. I would like to get my other blogs more seamlessly intergrated with this one, especially my horse training and craft blogs. Still, it will depend on my time constraints and what I actually end up doing this year. I have committed to finishing my course, naturally enough, and I have committed to a craft Challenge once a month, as well as my job, to which I return part time after the Christmas break. Depending, I guess, on my workload with all that what will become of my blog. The nights I go to classes I wont blog, because I refuse to blog at work.
I haven't made a final decision on the Diploma as I want to move at the end of next year, although I guess I should start it here even if I finish in QLD, because their fee is about double that of NSW.
My other non computing resolution for this year is to loose weight and actually get of the old derrier and exercise. lol.
Chances are ....
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