Hard when there is a thunderstorm about to break overhead. Hard when I have to work for five days a week, but there still is not all that much work to do. Hard when I am tired, and tired of being tired. But I need to keep in there. Not let too many days go between blogging. So that by the time I am doing the challenge, blogging it isn't a challenge.
I can't watch TV anymore, because the old person is having a senior's moment and watching old war and western movies. He goes to the video shop every sunday and rents five movies and comes home and watches one every night. He pretends to himself that he chose at least one for me which I wouldn't watch, even if you paid me to watch it. But still he insists I sit there with him and watch the stupid thing. Talk about lack of imagination. Often I get out of it saying I have to feed the horse and then get an early night for work. Luckily I can then get up very early in the morning. Provided he doesn't have a different seniors moment whereby he slept the day away and then can't sleep at night.
There were feral cats at work last week with kittens. The mother would feed them right in front of the door. It is a large glass pane door. So she was easy enough to catch on Monday and two of her kittens. The ladies had the RSPCA take them away. The mother would be euthanased immediately, being unhandlable, but the kittens were under six weeks and not quite so unsociable. So they might live, if they can be found homes.
Then they found the ginger one. Well that went home with one of the ladies at lunch time since it had conviently pooped on her. She is going to call it Paddy after Patrick Swayze. Don't ask.
The guys have been playing it up, offering to drown them, bash them over the head with a brick and drag them along behind cars etc. The reason they say these things is not because they would really do it, but the squeals and attention it ellicits from the ladies. Makes them feel like real men. The cleaning lady is always offering to put an axe through them, but she later told me she had a cat once and after two years it got squished and she doesn't want to risk getting that emotional about an animal again. She is Macedonian, I think I understand her point. We don't have rats where she cleans - nope, we have possums - bigger rats.
So that is my day ...
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