Yes they have. Just because Kevin Rudd looks like an Earthling, doesn't prove that he is.
He is our brand new Prime Minister. So as such he is worthy of respect and do not throw tomatos at him. Hitler would cry to see such a perfect specimen of Aryan proportion ... okay let's not go down that path.
The Labour Government has been declared the winner of the Election, Mr Bush has congratulated him and comiserated with his "little mate" John Howard. And so the world moves on. For us in Australia, he informs us, it is a "new page". [You can leave it blank (yeah, right), you can write neatly with something to show at the end, or you can scribble all over it.]
As I said in my previous post, all this would be fine, if Labour was not in bed with the Greens. They are supposed to be going to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Like this is a good idea. Oh, and definitely no nuclear power plants. U-uh, no way, never. It is okay to sell uranium to "trusted" overseas countries, but use it beneficially for Australia? Ha.
Oh, and he is going to work in the "National Interests of Australia", i.e. defence here at home, a look at what resources we are sending where and what is going on at the other end. i.e. China and its so called lack of "human rights". That is another path if you go down it, you will be sorry you did. But hey what would I know.
So what is he going to do? Hey you tell me, and we will both know. I have my doubts after Peter Garrett said things will change once the Labour Government get into power. Okay they are in power - now what? It isn't as if we can know and it isn't as if all of us will eventually benefit from knowing once we do.
Social democracy. That sounds awfully like an oxymoron to me, but I am reliably informed it is not. I believe it is just Communism/Socialism with a fancy Politically Correct new name.
99% of what is "wrong" with this country is that there are not enough trees. Likewise for the rest of the world. All that pollution is screwing up our thinking, funny chemicals acting in our brains. Why else would a nation cut off its nose to spite its face? Will the Greens make it a point, like Bob Hawke did, to plant more trees? Let's not get silly here. No the Greens agenda is not really "Green" as in plants, oh no, the Green's agenda is to point out problems and endeavour to get rid of them. Not try to solve the problem or come at it from a new angle, no just get rid of it. Like five million other people on the earth. And cut down the number of animals. Animals fart don't you know, and all that methane being let into the atmosphere just cannot be good for the atmosphere.
I always remember being told as a child when you point your finger at someone, look down and see where the other three fingers are pointing. Those three fingers tell you the truth.
Okay, I seem to be developing a bit of a vendetta here about the Greens. I have been asking myself why this is so. Well, years ago, before being Green was "fashionable" there were plenty of people warning about this stuff, but they were mocked and geered for their warnings. Now it is fashionable, well, sure there is no mocking and geering, there is no real "tree hugging" and there is no passion, compassion or realism.
Sustainability is a key factor in my thinking, not eliminating a problem, so much as changing the definition of a problem. Diversity is another key, because diversification when worked with sustainability allows more cross solutions to problems to eventuate.
Pointing out a problem with no viability for solution is a waste of time. If you don't like something, you have to ask yourself what you are prepared to do to change what you don't like into something you do like. Something as simple as: "Someone left an item on the ground outside". Okay, so pick it up. "It isn't my item so why should I pick it up?", because it is bothering you more than the person who dropped it. Otherwise ignore it. This is not a constructive situation. It is a nuisance situation developed by a person used to being a complete pratt. So if you are not prepared to go in, roll your sleeves up and take care of business, bugger off and let other people get on with it or don't say anything in the first place. Or you might go and find the person who dropped the item in the first place, nicely ask them if there was a particular reason the item was where it was (you never know) and if they could help you by picking it up. The old person does not get gipped too much because he is an old person, but when played out by adult Politicians there is a serious problem.
A complete Political Party of complete Pratts is a big worry to me.
oh, and Kev, don't forget you did promise to do some extra stuff to Tigers Stadium. Wouldn't want you to forget something of National Importance like that, Mate.
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