22 February, 2011

Stupid Credit Union

So Unicom credit union, that I have been a member of since 1999 has finally pushed me to the limit. Over about the last 2-3 years they have changed policy without notification and downright lied to me about things and I am going to vent all over the internet.

I opened an account into which I put $20 per fortnight. Just for if I have to pay a bit extra for something, or need money for something. I do not touch this money. I have only opened it in the last couple of months. I've been on new start waiting to get all this medical stuff seen to. Thinking I would have enough for the specialist today.

Oh no, no such luck. I had not left enough money in my main account for my transaction fees; even though this has never been a problem in the past. Not once. But this month, they decided since I had money in my savings account, they would take that for my transaction fees. So, not enough for the bill for the specialist.

But, not relying 100% on that, I had deposited a largish (for me) cheque from my birthday last week. They said it would take 3 days to clear. Today being day 4. Was it cleared? No. Liars. If I wanted to get it cleared I would have to pay a fee.

Luckily for me the specialist has an opening tomorrow I can fill.

After tomorrow guess where I will NOT be having my money left with?

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