30 April, 2009

I missed ..

Starbug - our new kitten

a day, but not to worry.  As I still have no real news.  Although I had to take two of our cats to the vet this morning.  The new kitten had to have her stitches removed from her neutering operation.  But the ginger x-tom has had a sore paw for a while.  He actually went to the vets about two weeks ago.  He was given some painkillers and anti-inflamatory tablets.  He was going okay, then three days ago he was hobbling without putting his paw down at all.  He is just miserable.  The vet is positive that he has only torn a muscle and needs confinement for a few weeks.  

It is funny seeing the vet as a small animal vet, as I am used to him coming out and tending my horses.  I can use horse jargon with him, but I don't really know much about cat physiology or anatomy and I am going to have to learn.  

The new kitten is a lovely white colour with ginger and black patches on her back.  She has a faded ginger chin, and faded ginger spots behind her hocks and front pads.  She has a lovely huge foxtail that you have to see to believe.  And she is so very bright, especially for a cat and considering she is only six months old, it really amazes me.

She also has a blue eye and a yellow eye, as you can see in the photo above.

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