30 November, 2011

No computer...

As you can see it is quite a while since I last posted on here.  My main computer died and the smaller computers that belong to the Daughter and GS's apparently are quite hostile to Blogger and would not give me a stable format to write in. 

Then we had an insulting time with the ISP we had been using for a good number of years and decided to move to Telstra.  Self flagellation is doing anything with Telstra and what should have taken about a week and a half to get organised entailed three weeks and 17 different people on the other end of the phone included people we spoke to twice - and more than half the time the phone calls were initiated by them...

We are only just up and running...

So much to my daughter's chagrin, I downloaded Google chrome onto her laptop, and can finally find an almost stable environment for Blogger.  Why chrome as a browser is not completely compatible with blogger totally beggars belief, but there you go. 

Then to further deepen my computing problems, Hotmail decided that someone had used my account to post spam and closed it on me without warning.  They have an automated bot that is "supposed" to get you back into your account etc., but NO ONE is on the other end and it doesn't work.  So I have lost all my hotmail emails and all my email addresses.  Please send me a PM through my profile here which goes to my Gmail and I will reply through my Bigpond account if you want to keep in touch with me. 

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