The daughter finally got a job! She is so excited. It is working in a shop selling things. The interviewer said she wanted someone with no experience so that they could train the person to their way and not have to untrain them, if you get my drift. She doesn't start for another month, but it is a good step in the right direction.
Dramas :
After the major fiasco with Telstra and my laptop, I now have one brewing by Optus and my ancient mobile phone. We have decided in the family to all use Vodaphone. So the sister got a new phone and went with them from scratch, the daughter has been with them for a while and so I thought I would do it as well. Should be just able to go buy a Vodaphone SIM card, plonk it in and away we go?
You have got to be kidding. The SIM card was rejected. Phone Optus and the voice recognition software does not work very well. So I ring a local branch, but no, one is required to ring the voice recognition software. At my age, this is not a good thing. I do not have the patience. So the daughter knows how to trick this stuff into connecting to a real person. In India or some other third world call centre. I have to push keys on my phone, give them the serial number. Okay, not exactly rocket science. If he has it on his computer, he can give me the code over the phone (yeah, right) otherwise I will get an SMS message within 10 working days. Does anyone seriously believe their number is on his computer?
Now, the thing is, when you are in a Third World call centre, you are not going to give much of a shit about the problems of a person living in a First World country, are you? So it is the 2nd June today, let's just see how long I have to wait? Who is betting against 10 whole days?
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