Well, the sister came over yesterday and we had a pleasant afternoon. I have moved things around in the garage so that I can do my sewing and crafts out there. We sat at the big table the daughter and I had moved from the house. We drank tea in her case, and coffee in mine, and chatted. The kids watched a movie the daughter had rented and then they played happily enough outside.
Today I got in and sorted the rest out, my boiler iron and ironing board, my sewing machine and started a small project. It gets very cold out there at night, or I would be out there now. When the weather warms up some, I will take the laptop out and spend evenings in there as well.
The old person is a bit miffed the car doesn't fit in, but he has better peace and quiet for watching the idiot box. There is less noise as the daughter has her computer in another room and I don't invade anymore. So in most ways it has worked out well.
I will be documenting the small project on my craft blog because I am doing it as a tutorial on a type of quilting not often seen anymore.
I have some news, and that is I am not going to finish my course this year. I have been suffering depression for a while now and it has got to the stage where it is zapping all my concentration. It is why I haven't been blogging as regularly as I had planned. I have not abandoned my studies, just delaying till I move - the course is offered in other states as well. I can finish there, as well as here, but hopefully a move will help put the black dog to sleep. What little focus I have has to go into my job and just generally living. The delay will also give me impetus to keep on and do the rest of the course as I am still determined to do the Diploma as well. I haven't failed any of my subjects, in fact I have a couple of credits and at least one distinction that I can think of at the top of my head.
So there it is, I have said it, make of it what you will ...
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