The old person will be home tomorrow as 1. he has run out of money and 2. It is a stand alone Saturday for Hawkesbury Racetrack. This came about when the Olympic Games were on in the year 2000 and the racing fraternity decided not to hold a city meeting for the Games Week. So Newcastle was given a stand alone day. There were dire predictions that it would be a doomed meeting and no one would turn up (because they would all be at the Games, right?). Ha. It was one of the best race days ever. All the city folk who normally went to city races went up to Newcastle and had a rip snorter of a day and declared it a success. So the city group grudgingly said they could have one day a year for a provincial stand alone Saturday.
Hawkesbury Race Course has its own train station. It is directly across the railway and road from Richmond Airforce Base and it probably one of the most beautiful racetracks in the Country. If it wasn't for the fact that it takes an hour and a half to drive there I would probably go more often. I guess the real sentimental value of it is that it is where I first got to meet Bell and pat her and see her actually run, even though she didn't race. They had only just bought her for the Derby Club and it was the first time we saw all the horses together. They had only just got Russian Romance as well. RR looked like a doll, and being chestnut was just a shiny red horse. Bell looked, and still does look, very utility. She never had the exotic looks of Night Whisper or the bread and butter guts of Measure of Luck. She never had the gumption that Wave a Wand had for busting up a field to win. Gumption is not her style.
But I was concerned in those days of the fact she was by Citidancer. Citidancer had sired a horse that had been a bleeder. That was in the days when they thought bleeders were a genetic thing, and I didn't know any better. Bell never bled, neither did Goldie when she raced. Bleeding is not a genetic thing but a condition caused by the horse not being fully fit for racing. It comes about in a similar way to shin soreness, running a horse not really ready for that level of work. Why they have to ban a bleeder for life isn't something I fully understand. They don't do it in the US. At least a bleeder mare doesn't have to be excluded from breeding.
Well, yesterday at work was another time the Boss decided I and another woman needed a bit of "reminding" about our work. I just thought it was that perhaps I didn't have the right attitude to my work and was nothing major so I just agreed, listened to the new work load I was to be given and let it go.
But the other woman, who is a really hard worker and good at organising was appalled and very upset by it. She came in distressed this morning and when the Boss was out of the office began telling us why it upset her. The others joined in and it turns out that another woman who only works part time at the opposite end of the week to me had complained. It was unfair on the first lady. Anyhow, I suggested that she needed to give herself a "get out clause".
She had mentioned previously she was interested in doing MYOB so that she could help her son in his business. The classes are at night and it is a good step to another job. I told her, " I wont beat around the bush, night classes are a bitch. But in the end you have the stepping stones to go on to a better job and work with better people." I told her about having to repeat this semester, but that I was learning more and will be in a good position to become a Web Designer with the stuff I was learning.
Besides, I told her, your son wants you to keep his books because he can trust you. If he has to send them outside, he risks the outsiders cheating him, but if you do the books for him he doesn't have that worry. So because I know she would do anything for her son, I think she will seriously consider it. So in the end, the "talk" may have turned into a good thing for her.
I seriously thought about finishing up there and then as well. If I was really as bad as they say I am, they wouldn't still give me work to do, they would complain more frequently and the Boss, now that I know him better, would be alot shittier towards me than he is.
Later when another, third woman, took his secretary aside and told her what had gone on, she said that if the Boss was really serious about telling us off he would have taken us into his office alone not with each other and certainly not with the supervisor as he had. She claimed it was only an appeasement to the other woman. She seemed to think he had only said anything to me at all because he didn't really want to say anything to the first woman so had generalised for us both.
I just said if there is a problem, perhaps the Supervisor should just say it to our faces.
I also noticed discrepancies over what was said and what is the actual true position of things and I am wondering why there are lies going on? If another person had not been involved, I would just think, they are picking on me and leaving others alone. But both of us?
Next time I will involve the union. It has got to the stage of being ridiculous.
Well, that is my moan and groan for the day.
The sister is coming tomorrow and we will have a good chat. The old person will go hide in his room and listen to the races. It will be good, because the boys are going to watch the Youtube episode of Dr Who from the BBC on the daughter's computer. That will keep them all out of mischief. It is pretty decent of the daughter as she does't particularly like her cousin Sunnyboy.
so till next I gripe ...
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