Why is everyone so interested in a wannabe like Danni Minogue? She always seems to me to be riding on Kylie's fame, and can't quite make it herself. But I guess she is more accessible to the journos than Sis, so she makes good copy. I guess we should be grateful she isn't as batshit crazy as Britteny Spears ...
I am breaking one of my own rules here, if you don't pay them any attention they will go away.
Eventually, I suppose.
Everywhere you go, someone is commenting about some looney, wannabe. Maybe I am just old and cynical, but I don't remember them being so talked about when I was in my teens and early twenties. The big raves then were all the scandals the famous groups were getting into, like the Beatles and Rolling Stones. One of the girls wouldn't invite me to her birthday party because I wasn't a hard core Rolling Stones fan. In the end no one turned up anyhow, and it was supposed to be the birthday bash of the year. She came to school about two days late and was very contrite. Funny what sticks in your mind after all these years.
Now, of course, we are into Jazz and more classical music. My daughter is talking about taking the boys to Paint Ball, and I am trying to talk her into getting them taught music. I guess she wants them rough and tumble so that they grow up as men and not effeminate. Being a single Mum is not easy when you have boys. I don't think the boys care either way other than they will be doing something better than being at home.
This is our Oleander bush growing outside the front of the house and near the front paddock. I like Oleander, because it is so pretty, but it is poisonous to animals if they eat it. But none of our
animals are ever that hungry. We have privet and Lantana as well which will make animals sick
as well. None of them show the slightest i
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