Sometimes you just have to see the funny side, sometimes the funny just happens ...
On Wednesday, just as I was due to leave work, a phone rang. The lady whose phone it was, put her calls onto loudspeaker, rather than listening by ear. As we listened we realised there was a huge domestic arguement going on with a couple on the other end. Had they knocked the redial to us and not realised it? Anyhow it went on noisily for several minutes and then hung up. Bit embarrassing really. As I said goodbye for the day, one lady who shares are surname with the old person said, "Don't you go home had have a domestic". Laughing, I left.
So later that evening, the old person is doing his usual trick of flicking around the channels when he comes onto the ABC and there is "The Cook and the Chef" hard at it, cooking. We have decided the male on this program is gay. So off handedly, the old person makes a comment on how I should learn from them how to cook. (Forgetting of course, the only meal I ever made from a recipe of theirs he totally refused to eat). So I commented back about the guy being the old person's boyfriend. Normally this just gets a glare and a snort and he continues watching. However, Thursday, he decided that this was the ultimate insult to his manhood and it was blah, blah, blah, never driving you cows anywhere, ever again. "But you must be gay," we commented, "otherwise, how do you explain how abusive you are to us?" well, that was it. He went on like the proverbial pork chop and alas, as my entertainment value from him has not been much lately, I just dished it back at him. Then it was the glares all night, "I am not gay".
Don't pick on me when I am trying to quit.
The next amusing incident came as a result of a couple of coincidences.
There is a new Head Teacher at work. He is teaching the daughter in her Cert IV in Website design (yes, as a matter of fact, it is the course I am doing, good of you to remember). He was teaching her yesterday morning, blissfully unaware of the plot being hatched against him. He is less than 30 years old.
We were sitting there making our usual rounds of regaling each other with the stupid/amusing/boring anecdotes of the previous evening as we often do, when a courier rocks up with two huge helium filled balloons tied down with a bunch of furry animals and a bunch of small roses. "Who are those for?" we asked. Courier mentions name of said Head Teacher. Well, being elderly women, this guy has a fanclub already. So we hatch a plot. One lady says, "I will ring his office", "He isn't there, he is teaching the daughter in class". "Oh, what will we do?"
"I will message the daughter and ask her to get him to come down", "good idea". Madly SMS daughter, tell him to come to admin urgently, boss wants to see now.
Daughter messages back a few minutes later "on his way".
Soon as he walked in the door, he knew who they were from, and why (pay back for him doing it to her last year). He is falling all over the floor laughing, dying of embarrasment and snide comments from the Boss who has come out to see what the commotion is about. We are also falling all over the place watching his reaction. He must have a brilliant girlfriend.
Guy takes them back to his office then has to go back to class and explain to them why he left. Daughter was not impressed in being used in such a ploy. But when she saw how much of a good giggle it gave us, she saw the funny side.
I have today off...
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