27 February, 2008

Achey breaky neck ...

I think I have arthritis in my neck - I had treatment on it back in the 80's (yeah last millennium). Now it is back. At first I thought it was just a crick but even with the heat bag it is still aching. It affects my shoulder and arm as well.

I fell on my head off a horse in the late 1960's and I think this is a result of that. Wrecked my riding helmut and my mother was ropable. The next day we visited Jenolan caves and freaked out as I am with caves normally (I hate low ceilings and narrow spaces) having the stiff neck as well did not make it an enjoyable day for me. It was one of those excursions there was not way to get out of since the whole "family" was going. And I am sure it made the stiff neck/pulled muscles even worse. So now in my middle fifties after haunting me in my thirties has come back to give me annoyance. I think all this rain we have been having has been a contributing factor. I don't know how I am going to get through Winter if this is true.

The cure offered by the old person is to rub it with rubbing alcohol. It might be an idea. I know the heat creams cause burning on the surface of my skin and I just want to scream. I refuse to use them anymore. I use a beanie heat bag (wheat) but as I said, it didn't help much.

I am not a great one to complain about aches and pains, but this can affect my ability to work and my ability to continue writing.

Yes, I know that I can take celery pills and I will give it serious thought. See what the budget thinks.

Will update again on the weekend as I have to post on my craft site. Being the end of the month and all.


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