02 July, 2011

More of the same....

Gee it has been a while. I had my operation dates put back, and now it is at the end of July. It is a little frustrating because I want to get it all over and done with, but good in as much as that I have been able to give up smoking and get myself a bit well that way, and loosing a couple of kilos.

I've been taking it easy, as the spasms seem to be getting worse. The doctor says to leave treating them till after the operation as that will stop them altogether.

Kitten has cut her stomach, taken to the vet where she had stitches and a drain put in as it was badly infected. She has such long hair and puts up such a fight when we try to look at her stomach at any time. So we are rinsing the drain and have been giving her medication. She isn't too bad with the meds, mostly, and when she does fuss, we just put them into her food.

Just waiting as usual.....

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