So why didn't they? Turns out that Labor as a Political Party still adheres to the concept of Global Warming. Had they released the water it would have "been a waste of a valuable resource". Well, what did it end up as anyhow? How many "resources" were wasted as a result of the flood?
What idiot came up with the concept of Global Warming thinking Australia would be in perpetual drought? Accepted that there is some climate change going on, but this flood is a result of a strong El Nina event, NOT anything else. If we were warming up, then the flood would have been worse than the one in 1974 - even if it was more widespread - and what about the floods in the 19th Century which were even higher?
People have been going on about the insurance companies who are not going to pay out on damage because Flooding was not covered in some policies. The State Government is being heavy handed with the insurance companies trying to make them pay. I think if the insurance companies do do the right thing, they should demand an inquiry and investigation.
So much for having the "Greenies" on your side. So much for your tears Anna Bligh...
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