Old girl nearly gave me a heart attack - again. She was lying down at dinner time, then when she started to come up, she lay down again. She wouldn't move, and rolled a bit like she was colicky. We offered her a little food, which she wouldn't eat. Rang a vet, who said to walk her. So we put the halter on and the daughter lead her round and around. After about the third time around, the mare had a great passing of manure, a huge fart ;-), and then we gave her a little food. She ate the food with great gusto.
We kept an eye on her a bit longer, offered her some water, which she didn't really want. She and Bell stood around the food shed for a while, then wandered off in search of the steer.
I checked on her again about half an hour ago, offered her a piece of carrot. She not only ate her piece, but swiped Bell's as well. So hopefully she is fine now. I will keep check on her during the night. More later.
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