We have an election coming up on the 28th or there abouts. I'm not to bothered by politics. I vote only because in Australia it is compulsory. If you are caught not voting, you can pay a fine. Well I say, bugger that for a joke, go along, get my name crossed off, get my papers. If there is a goofy party that isn't too off the wall, I will vote for them (hey, someone has to) or I will just neatly fold the papers and put them into the box required. I cannot get over how some papers would easily fit my dining room table almost. That is so ridiculous.
I'm not sure taxing the mining companies is a really good thing. Okay, they are making a load of money, but they are actually getting in and doing it, not the government. They pay taxes on their profits and a pretty hefty slug it is too. But they have the Superannuation funds as their main investors, and with more of us getting older, we need a decent return on our money. They also take young people, give them proper training and employment, which not many other large sectors are prepared to do. So taxing them more to pay for some fruitloop scheme that should never see the light of day doesn't really make sense to me.
But then I am a "capitalist" and think everyone has the opportunity to make money legally in this country and should be able to. Yes, our social programs are some of the best in the world, but many of them need a good tweek too. But that is a path best not trodden at the moment so I don't get on my high horse about it.
I am supposed to be happy because we have a woman Prime Minister. I am supposed to be happy simply because I am a woman, not that she has any good/new/decent ideas. As The Daughter said, if she had taken the GST of womens' sanitary requirements, she might listen to the rest of what she had to say. My daughter is not of the same political persuasion as I am, either. (She's the only one - lol).
Sometimes I wonder what the future will hold for those to come after, but I wont be around to witness much of it. I can only prepare my family for what I know, and they have to learn and adjust for themselves to make the future. Hopefully it will be good to them. Okay I don't want to get maudlin here so I might leave this subject.
Still, next week is my colonoscopy, the week after is the Craft and Quilting show at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse and then the election. Two are much the same thing, so I will just look forward to the Craft and Quiltin show at my favourite venue. I love Rosehill Gardens Racecourse it is a super place.
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