18 October, 2008

So sad and so awful ...

Yesterday has to have been one of the worst days for work. One of our "other" ladies, who is on maternity leave, came in with her little boy. He is not quite two and is very funny. He was dancing around and we were all laughing and enjoying having such a sweet child with us. At 11.30 I went off to have my lunch, as I always do.

When I came back I noticed one of our ladies gone, but I assumed she was either out for a smoke or cuppa. Another lady came and said her husband had a heart attack. The lady who was on maternity leave left just as they were telling me. It was a really dreadful thing. One other lady was crying and later in the afternoon, we found out via a phone call that he had passed away.

I just have felt so very bad for this woman. She had been married to him since they were 19 years old and they had raised a family of five children together, including twins. They had been married for over thirty years. It is all so very sad, and so very awful.

I will write more later. Having a few computer glitches ...

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