Grandson1 was a naughty boy last week, allegedly, and was suspended for two days earlier this week. As the daughter has to attend TAFE, I told her I would look after him rather than taking him with her. He enjoys going to her classes, so I saw it as rewarding him, whereas being bored at home with Granma was not so much. But he just sat and read and watched TV and pottered as though it was a weekend without his brother. He never asked for anything (his brother does that for him) and ate what I fed him at lunchtime without protest.
Overall, he is a nice boy. A real "ladies' man". (You do not call your Granma "Babe"). He is bright enough, probably could apply himself further at school, but he is not lagging behind. He does have a bit of a temper but very rarely. But it is the occassional temper that gets him into most trouble. Instead of stepping back he just lashes out. It has taken me a bit of a while to realise he does this (and yes I do know why) and now I know what to do about it.
Then yesterday he went on the class excursion to Canberra. He told me the entire trip was totally "sick". (Okay, you are going "say what?"). "Sick" is the modern day word for something that is so fantastic, it is beyond description. I am used to him saying this, so I knew he had a good time. He had left at 7.00am yesterday morning and returned at 7.00pm last night. He was talking so fast I could barely understand him, and his eyes were shining so I know he really did have a very "sick" time.
In times not so long ago, when we found something that was good we said it was "wicked". It goes along with words like "cool" as modern remeaning of our language.
Older people know a menu is a list of meals in a restaurant, whereas our kids think a menu is something that drops down on their computer screen. A mouse is a tiny animal cats eat, but now it is also a computer device for using on a graphics screen. Normal words take on new meanings with common acceptance and usage. And although our dictionaries lag behind, eventually they do catch up.
But I think "sick" is the funniest of them all.
I am easily amused ...
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