I will do a bit of a rehash as to what is going on in my mind during this time as well. Facebook just doesn't cut it when you want to have a really good rant about things. :-)
This general blog is for my musings. If you read it I am just keeping up, mostly for family. But there will be vents every now and then ...
23 December, 2009
Back again ...
Wow, what a long time since I last posted. Have I got anything new to say? Not really. For some reason I had convinced myself that I need photographs to illustrate my blog, and wouldn't post because I didn't have photos downloaded from my phone or camera. But now I have decided to get my act together over the next few days and get it all sorted out. I would like to blog on a much more frequent basis, especially on Bilum.
24 September, 2009
Really annoyed ....
The government, in its wisdom (and if you can't trust the government, who can you trust?) decided single mothers should go out and work for a living for themselves and their children. So with no work experience per se and a great deal of trepidation, the daughter got herself a job with an IGA supermarket. Well it seems like any dipshit can walk in off the streets and buy and IGA francise. Because the dipshits that ran the one my daughter worked for cut her hours without warning, abused and intimidated her. She left. Then they told her if she wanted her final pay to submit a pay form, which she did, and now the bastards think they can get away with not paying her.
06 July, 2009
Appearances to the contrary ....
I am not dead. Some days I feel as though I am. I have just been doing much thinking and organising. I still haven't finished organising the studio in the garage. Just little things that need storage that I do not have. It is frustrating. But I am getting there. Hopefully by the end of this week.
I have a new horse, my Arabian mare. Her name is Stephanique but we just call her Steph. She is a real character and has happily settled in with Her Ladyship, the ex-racehorse. I have photos on my mobile phone, so will have to download them soon. She is 26 years old, fit as a fiddle and can raise a trot with the best of them. Tail up over her back and she thinks she can outrun Her Ladyship. That is so funny. (Reminder to self: learn to put vidoes on Youtube and onto blog. It isn't rocket science!)
My eldest son came at the end of February and is still here. He has a job in a warehouse, where they unload containers and stuff for companies to pick up. He also drives a forklift. He is very tired most days when he comes home. He has to start at 6.00 am of a morning.
I am going to try and update all my blogs over the next few days, work on photographs and maybe even a video. I am much more motivated and the worst of the depression seems to have gone. Getting sick last year was the downer and it has taken me this long to feel well again.
until again ...
30 April, 2009
I missed ..

Starbug - our new kitten
It is funny seeing the vet as a small animal vet, as I am used to him coming out and tending my horses. I can use horse jargon with him, but I don't really know much about cat physiology or anatomy and I am going to have to learn.
The new kitten is a lovely white colour with ginger and black patches on her back. She has a faded ginger chin, and faded ginger spots behind her hocks and front pads. She has a lovely huge foxtail that you have to see to believe. And she is so very bright, especially for a cat and considering she is only six months old, it really amazes me.
She also has a blue eye and a yellow eye, as you can see in the photo above.
28 April, 2009
A little Something every day ...
Seriously, there is such a lack of news here that I am only blogging to get myself back into the habit. We watched Nemesis last night, in preparation for the new movie. The differences are really chalk and cheese and then some. But I am really excited about the new movie.
I finished an art work, and I promise I will photograph some of my recent work and load it onto Bilum very soon. I will let you know when. Also pickkies of the new kitten. Starbug.
That's it ...
27 April, 2009
School holidays ...
So the grandsons and Sunnyboy have been on school holidays. The first week it rained and the second week their Uncle took them to a movie. They spent most of their time playing with their Mum's Wii. (so is it called Wiiing?) They have been playing with racing cars on the Wii and the carry on is as much as if they were really driving them. Of course the game comes with a steering wheel for each player and it is quite amusing to watch them.
Once Mum comes home she shoos them off it and sits there playing her own game with has about the worst game music I have ever heard, long and boring, same tune over and over. Still it isn't as noisy as the boys.
Saturday was ANZAC day, so today (Monday) is a public holiday and the teachers have a "student free day" so they don't go back to school till Wednesday. And this is counted as week 1 of term 2 by the department.
Still the really main thing is the Daughter is working now, and after three months will be made permanent.
I suppose I should be thinking more deeply about what I am going to be doing to earn a few pennies. I will have to think hard - and fast - about that.
26 April, 2009
Still in the land of the living ... sort of ...
Sorry its been a while and I still wont be writing much. Just to let you know I am still here.
Never made it to Queensland for various reasons and still here on the farm. The old person moved out and has a government flat about two kms down the road. My sister is here with Sunnyboy. My oldest son is also here for a while. He was having problems in Queensland and felt a sojourn with Mum would be a good thing. lol.
The daughter got a job and works part time at the moment. When her three months trial period is over they might give her longer hours. It isn't all that far away from here and so very convenient.
I am not working per se, but babysitting the boys for the daughter and getting ready to invite people over to my "Studio" to teach mixed media arts.
I have loads of ideas for my blogs, so just give me a while and it will be up and running again.
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